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Such beautiful, evocative prose here. I enjoyed biting the gnomecaps, swimming in the Lymph, and trying to summon the Child-Eater. There's a lot that's implied but the surreal language gives the eldritch yet playful feel of the story. 

May be worth drawing a map.


Thanks Rayven! <3


I desecrated some tombs and then went to sleep where some insects climbed over me and I never woke up again, 10/10


This is kinda fucked up but I like the music befitting of the atmosphere...


I love holes and causing problems. Theres a number of holes and various things you can do with them, and a number of various problems you can cause. Best enjoyed with the music playing on loop with the music software of your choice. 


Really cool texture/character piece, I enjoyed going around the woods being a weird awful goblin